Ansible testing with molecule and docker on an existing ansible collection


Molecule ( enables fast and easy testing of ansible roles. In this blog post I will walk through the process of setting up molecule with existing ansible collection.

Sample code can be found here:

Installation (Ubuntu)

sudo apt install -y python3-pip libssl-dev
python3 -m pip install molecule ansible-core
python3 -m pip install --user "molecule[docker,lint]"


Assuming your ansible collection looks similar to this:

|-- roles
|   |-- rolename
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- includes
|   |   |-- tasks
|   |   |-- templates

We can add in our molecule directly in the rolename folder. We will create a molecules folder, then inside that folder, we will create a filder named default. So the final structure would look something like this:

|-- roles
|   |-- rolename
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- includes
|   |   |-- tasks
|   |   |-- templates
|   |   |-- molecule
|   |   |   |-- default

Inside the default folder we will add in our instructions to setup our container and run our ansible role against the container by creating two files called converge.yml and molecule.yml.

  • molecule.yml is the central configuration entrypoint for Molecule. With this file, you can configure each tool that Molecule will employ when testing your role.

  • converge.yml is the playbook file that contains the call for your role. Molecule will invoke this playbook with ansible-playbook and run it against an instance created by the driver.

First we will create our converge.yml file. This file will hold the steps necessary to converge our instances.The converge command applies the current version of the role to all the running container instances. Molecule converge does not restart the instances if they are already running. It tries to converge those instances by making their configuration match the desired state described by the role currently testing.

# Running the requence needed to converge the instance.
- name: Converge
  hosts: all
    - name: "Test Apache"
        name: "apache_server"

The converge above will run our role named apache_server.

The other file we need is the molecule.yml file. This file will hold our configurations.

# Run the container in bridged mode
  name: shell
  command: 'docker network create --driver bridge molecule'
# Using Ansible Galaxy to get other modules
  name: galaxy
# Running inside a docker container
  name: docker
# docker images to use, you can have as many as you'd like
  - name: instance
    image: ubuntu:focal
      - name: "molecule"
# Run ansible in the docker containers
  name: ansible
# Molecule handles role testing by invoking configurable verifiers.
  name: ansible

Command Usage

You must execute the molecule commands from inside the specific role directory.

To fully test your ansible role from container creation to, configuration, to destruction, use:

molecule test

to run through the process of creating the container, running the ansible script against the container, then destroying the container.

If you would like to manually go through the process then follow these steps. First create the container using:

molecule create

To run the ansible role, use:

molecule converge

At this point if you would like to interact with the container, use:

molecule login

Lastly, to destory the container use:

molecule destroy